đ´Got Any Games?
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Author: @M_alpha#3534 I created this new guessing game for Android. To deter cheaters, I made sure to include advanced military grade encryption. Please don't cheat, Thanks! Download the files below. Special thank you to INTIGRITI for sponsoring NahamCon EU CTF 2022! This challenge is dedicated to them as a token of gratitude.
Patch apk to print flag without any successful guesses
Load the save file into the correct directory and print the flag.
I did not know that the save file already had 1000000 points so I went through the trouble of patching the apk. I've written down the steps for patching the apk if anyone wants to learn from it :)
If you are looking for the straight-forward solution, you can skip to the Loading .sav file section.
The SaveFile.sav seems to be a save point provided and we might need to be use it in the application later.
We can first run apktool d GotAnyGames.apk
to decode the files of the apk into it's respective files.
We can also view the source code of the apk using any apk decompilers. I used Bytecode-Viewer as my decompiler.
In Bytecode-Viewer, I the main files of the application are under GotAnyGames.apk > com > example > gotanygames.
The com subtree is where we would usually find the subtree containing the main files of the application for android apks, and it is clear that the gotanygames subtree is the one we are looking for (not some other lib files).
Here, there are 4 main classes to focus on as highlighted in the picture above.
Looking through the 4 classes, it seems like all the juicy stuff happens in the PlayGame.class.
This class basically contains the functions of the game.
On the left window of Bytecode-Viewer, we can see the decompiled code in Java.
Upon looking at the code, it looks like it is a guessing game, where you earn a point if you guess the correct number.
The main part we want to focus on is from lines 132 to 142.
It shows that the flag gets printed to us if the points we have is >= 1000000.
In PlayGame.class, there is also a function that encrypts the save.
So we can guess that the flag is stored in the SaveFile.sav and the data of the save file is encrypted so we can't retrieve the flag so easily.
One way we can solve this is by finding the key and iv used by the encryptSave function and we can use them to decrypt the SaveFile.sav, but I did not try this method as it would take some time to find the values.
I instead, went for the method of patching the apk and loading the save file into the application instead.
As seen in the function that prints out the flag, the check for the points occurs at if (var0.getInt("points") >= 1000000)
. We can try to patch the apk to make it if (var0.getInt("points") >= 0)
so we can print the flag without even earning any points.
I managed to do this by editing the Smali files.
The Smali files are decoded when we ran the apktool d GotAnyGames.apk
Navigating to the folder at GotAnyGames/smali/com/example/gotanygames, we can see that the smali files have been decoded for every class we saw under the gotanygames subtree in Bytecode-Viewer.
We know we want to modify PlayGame.smali. Open a text editor to edit the contents.
I searched for the instances of the string flag
, and we can see the check for the points right before our first flag
It seems like the line const v1, 0xf4240
contains our check number for 1000000 points if we view the value of 0xf4240 in decimal, we can verify it is indeed our 1000000.
The line if-lt p2, v1, :cond_0
indicates that if the value in p2 is lt (less than) v1, then jump to cond_0
, where our cond_0
prints our "1000000 points" message. So it is basically our if (var0.getInt("points") >= 1000000)
So we can just change the value of 0xf4240 to 0x0 and try to package the files into a proper apk and load it into our android device.
Navigate to the folder containing our GotAnyGames folder and run apktool b GotAnyGames -o GotAnyGamesNew.apk
When installing the apk, ensure that the android device/emulator you are using is of API 30 or above. This is because the recommended API version is 30 as indicated in the apktool.yml under the GotAnyGames folder. (You can also try to patch this to try to support lower versions, but the application might not run properly)
When I tried to install the apk into my android emulator, there was an error due to "no certificate" of the apk.
So we have to create our own keystore to sign the apk.
Generate a key:
keytool -genkey -v <filename>.keystore -alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048
Sign the apk with the key:
apksigner sign âks <filename>.keystore GotAnyGamesNew.apk
After signing the apk I tried to install it but received this new error
A quick search brings us to this issue on Github. So we just run zipalign -f -p 4 GotAnyGamesNew.apk GotAnyGamesAligned.apk
, sign the apk again, and now it successfully installs.
Run the application, click on "New Game", then click on "Start", we see that we can retrieve the flag with the "FLAG" button.
Click on the "FLAG" button and see the fake flag gets printed out successfully.
Now we just need to find a way to load the .sav file into the application.
I do not know where the application searches for the .sav files to load the saves, but we can just try to find it through an adb shell.
I made sure to save a game first through the application so that it generates a .sav file in the android device. Then run adb shell
to get a shell in the device, and run find / -name *.sav 2>/dev/null
to find the .sav files.
We can see 3 different paths have been returned.
To push a file into the android device, we can run the command:
adb push "<local_file>" "<path_in_android_device>"
I tried to push the SaveFile.sav to only a single directory but the application seems to crash everytime I load the save. So I had to push the save file to all three directories in order to make the application work properly.
We can then open the application, click on "LOAD_GAME" and click "NEXT" until we see "SaveFile", then click on "LOAD". The flag will be printed out when you press the "FLAG" button.
I then noticed that the points for this save file is already at 1000000, so there wasn't any need for patching the binary... At least it was a good practice đĸ